welcome to mth!
Maspeth Town Hall is a thriving community center providing a variety of services. We proudly serve families from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds, regardless of their economic status.
T: (718) 335 - 6049 | F: (718) 335 - 6099
53-37 72nd Street, Maspeth, NY 11378
Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm
bulletin board
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)

The SYEP application process is open for a limited time. If you are 16-24 years old and are interested in working with us this summer, please apply at https://application.nycsyep.com
community tree
The bronze tree in the lobby of our building was established to recognize the deep roots in the community put down by Maspeth Town Hall. Its leaves represent the permanent recognition of the support of our members and neighbors.
You may purchase a leaf on the Community Tree to honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate and memorialize a milestone, or simply to show your support for our center. Your message will be read and enjoyed by those who enter our building for years to come.
Each leaf costs $250 (tax-deductible donation). Please click to complete the form for each leaf you would like to purchase.
Bereavement Support Group
Eileen Pesek hosts a General Bereavement Support Group. Please see below for additional information.
All are welcome to join.
St. Mary's Winfield
70-31 48th Avenue, Woodside, NY 11377
Parish Basement Confirmation Room
3rd Thursday of each month
11am to 12:30pm
senior transport
Funded by a grant from Council Member Robert Holden's office, Selfhelp is currently offering free senior transportation for medical appointments. This service is for seniors who reside in Council District 30 and the program will operate until funds are depleted.
Please see the flyer below for additional information on how to reserve your car.
information for veterans
On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, Congresswoman Grace Meng hosted an information session on the PACT Act and other benefits for veterans. Please check the PACT Act Frequently Asked Questions flyer below.
Congresswoman Meng's office can provide support for Veterans Administration matters as well as many other issues. Her office can be reached at 718 358-MENG (6364) or via email https://meng.house.gov/contact/email-me.